Emergency Plumbing Service News

Expectations with EPS

Feb 3, 2015

Emergency Plumbing Services pride ourselves on our ability to provide you with a professional and satisfactory experience. We want you to know what you should expect if a plumbing emergency should come up.

24 Hour Dispatch System:Sarasota-Emergency-Plumbing-Services

  • Assisting you at a moment’s notice
  • You’ll reach a live person – never a beeper or voicemail
  • Our TeleFrac tracking system lets us get on of our plumbers to your premises fast

Qualified Professional Staff

  • Each plumber is Texas State licensed
  • EPS employs four Texas Master Plumbers

State of the Art Technology

  • In-line video camera service allows for the examination inside of your pipes for breaks

Cleanliness counts

  • Plumbers will maintain a clean facility while working
  • Plumbers will arrive at your company in uniform, well-groomed

While we aim to fix your problem in a timely manner, we guarantee your satisfaction with your whole experience.


Join Our Diverse and Skilled Team

At EPS, we're always looking for talented individuals to join our diverse team of plumbing, HVAC, and refrigeration professionals. Explore career opportunities and become a part of our commitment to excellence.