Emergency Plumbing Service News

5 Essential Plumbing Tips for Grocery Store Chains Preparing for Fall

Sep 22, 2023

As fall approaches, grocery store chains gear up for a season filled with holidays, increased foot traffic, and a shift in consumer buying habits. Along with the myriad of preparations, it’s crucial to consider the plumbing system that supports these bustling establishments. Here are five essential plumbing-focused tips to ensure your grocery stores are fall-ready.

  1. Inspect All Restrooms:
    With the increased foot traffic during fall, restrooms will see more use. Make sure all fixtures are working efficiently. Check for leaks, ensure toilets flush correctly, and faucets work seamlessly. Addressing these issues in advance can prevent bigger problems down the line.
  2. Clear the Drains:
    With fall comes the dropping of leaves, which can clog outdoor drains and cause flooding or water backups. Regularly clear out exterior drains, and consider installing guards to prevent leaves and debris from causing blockages.
  3. Prevent Frozen Pipes:
    As temperatures drop, there’s the risk of pipes freezing and bursting. Ensure that all exposed pipes, especially those in storage areas or basements, are insulated. Regularly inspect these areas and maintain a steady temperature to prevent freezing.
  4. Grease Trap Maintenance:
    With fall holidays around the corner, there’s bound to be an uptick in food preparation. This can lead to more fats, oils, and grease entering the plumbing system. Ensure regular maintenance of grease traps to prevent blockages. Grease trap guidelines by the EPA provide valuable insights into best practices.
  5. Emergency Protocols in Place:
    Even with the best preparations, emergencies can occur. Ensure that your staff knows the protocol for any plumbing emergencies – from shutting off the main water valve to contacting a trusted plumbing service provider, like EPS. It’s essential to be prepared and have quick solutions on hand.

For more comprehensive insights on maintaining commercial plumbing systems during seasonal changes, visiting Plumbing.org can provide a deeper understanding.


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